Squirrel Chat

Scouting is about the outdoors, not email.
App Screenshot

Buddy System Built In.

Communicate as a troop using an invite only closed space without 1:1 messages. 😀
App in action

It's like iMessage.

With read receipt I know who hasn't got the message.
Sandra  -  Kentucky
Cover Photo

How Squirrel Chat Works

We've left the worst features of email behind and taken the best features from texting.

The Buddy System

Everyone is assigned a guardian who can oversee conversations. Leaders and Parents can only message scouts in the presence of a Buddy.

Invite Only

The Scoutmasters approve and invites all members. There's no ability to message outside the app.

Activity Board

All significant administration activity is logged to the supervisor feed. Including new groups and changes to any member details.

No-one Reads Emails

We can't send emails and think the kids are reading them, we shouldn't even give the kids email with all the spam they get. We wrote Squirrel Chat to make the troop a troop and not a group of parents telling their kids to read email. .

Less is more.

We communicate less now. Because we communicate better.
Kelly  -  New York
Cover Photo
List of chats


There are a lot of things Squirrel chat doesn't do. It wont share your data, track you or ask for personal information. It wont allow 1:1 chats and all messages with scouts will notify the guardian. It certainly wont let random strangers into your messages.

It works.

Squirrel Chat is the one communication my troop actually reads.
James  -  Ohio

Squirrel Chat Standard Features

Message Reactions

Respond to messages with emojis. Including full emoji support 😀

Threaded Replies

Stay on topic by responding to the original message.

User Presence

See who is online and know if your message is getting through.

Flexible Permissions

Trust & Verify. Delegate control and be alerted when changes are made.

Image moderation

We use Googles AI and can alert and block images that are flagged.

AI moderation

As well as images our AI can look out for in appropriate text and block and alert.

Unread messages counts

So you know when there is something to read.

Typing indicators

So you know they are composing a response

Small Groups

Permissioned users can make private groups. The creation and member is reported in the leaders channel.

Site Wide Groups

Includes read receipt to know the message was read.

Learn More

We are currently running a closed beta. If you are interested in signing up and locking in a discount or just want to be on the mailing list enter your address below. A human will read it and respond, or just email us directly support@rightclick.com.au